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EMU Departments


Focuses on architectural design, urban planning, and sustainable building practices.

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Arts & Sciences

Offers a wide range of programs in natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

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Business & Economics

Provides education in various business disciplines, economics, and management.

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Communication and Media Studies

Covers areas such as journalism, public relations, and digital media.

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Offers comprehensive education in dental sciences and clinical practice.

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Prepares future educators with modern teaching methodologies and practices.

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Covers various engineering disciplines including civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering.

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Health Sciences

Focuses on various aspects of health care, including nursing and physiotherapy.

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Provides comprehensive legal education covering national and international law.

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Offers medical education with a focus on both clinical practice and research.

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Provides education in pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice.

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Focuses on hospitality management, tourism planning, and related fields.

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